Tuesday, September 6, 2011

All or Nothing

I've had a love affair with my camera for some time now. It's with me more then my husband (and believe me that's saying something). I am committing myself to it entirely. I want to be better. I believe I have talent but I also know I have alot to learn. And on that note,

Here is the plan,

One photo a day for the next year.

To study all aspects of digital photography and blog once a week about what I have learned so far.

To enhance my Business vocabulary by at least One word a week.

I know this seems simple, but I have alot on my plate at home as well. And could possably be getting a job. The count down begins October 1st 2011. One year to improve, 365 days to break out of my little box, 52 weeks to learn something of value to me and put me on the road to becomming a professional. 12 short months to determine if I have what it takes to stick with it. If I fail to learn all I hope to. I give up on Photography all together.

"Faith in failure, Is worse then having no faith at all"(Me)